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Assessing the effectiveness and NSAIDs sparing effect of celery seeds and Boswellia serrata in osteoarthritis management

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Original Article

Author Details : Anish Desai, Sunaina Anand, Sreeni Nair*, Parita Chorghe

Volume : 10, Issue : 4 , Year : 2024

Article Page : 318-323

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Aim and Objective : This study examines the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Celery seed and Boswellia serrata extracts as potential alternatives for OA treatment, focusing on their effectiveness in reducing pain and improving joint functionality.
Background: Osteoarthritis (OA), a prevalent joint disorder, particularly affects the knees and hips. Current management primarily involves NSAIDs, which can lead to severe side effects, especially in older adults with comorbidities.
Materials and Methods: A multicentre observational study enrolled 394 participants clinically diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. They continued their usual treatment while taking Celery seeds and Boswellia serrata extract tablet twice daily for three months. Primary outcomes included Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) scores and changes in painkiller and NSAID usage. Secondary outcomes included visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores.
Result: The study demonstrated significant improvements in primary outcome measures: WOMAC score improved by 17.07% (p<0> Conclusion: Celery seeds and Boswellia serrata extract demonstrate promising efficacy as a safer and effective adjunctive therapy for knee osteoarthritis, offering pain relief, enhanced joint functionality and potential reduction in NSAID usage.
Keywords : Osteoarthritis, Celery seeds, Boswellia Serrata, NSAID sparing effect

How to cite : Desai A, Anand S, Nair S, Chorghe P, Assessing the effectiveness and NSAIDs sparing effect of celery seeds and Boswellia serrata in osteoarthritis management. Indian J Orthop Surg 2024;10(4 ):318-323

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