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Outcome of distal radius fractures managed conservatively and with percutaneous pinning (k-wires): A comparative study

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Original Article

Author Details : Shorifuddin Ahmed*, Prabir Kumar Bala, Hriday Narayan Mishra

Volume : 10, Issue : 4 , Year : 2024

Article Page : 367-372

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Background: Distal radius fractures are frequent injuries to the upper limbs that can be treated conservatively or surgically using K-wire percutaneous pinning. In order to restore anatomical alignment, percutaneous pinning is a more invasive approach than conservative therapy, which usually consists of splinting or casting.
Aim and Objective: This study aims to analyze the clinical and radiological outcome of distal radius fractures managed with closed reduction and plaster cast immobilization (CRPCI) and with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning (CRPP).
Materials and Methods: The present study is an Institutional based prospective comparative study comprised of total 50 adult patients between 20 to 65 years of age, with distal end radius fractures attending Out Patients Department or Emergency at the Department of orthopaedics, Medical College, Kolkata, India. Among them 25 patients were treated with CRPCI and 25 patients treated with CRPP with K-wire who fulfil the study criteria, during the period January 2021 to June 2022, the study was conducted for 18 months. Cases were evaluated based on the criteria of Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire score, VAS score, wrist range of motion, and radiologic results.
Results: The age of patients in this series ranged from (20-65) years with maximum patients (72%) in the (51-65) years age group, majority of the patients were female 66%. Among the radiographic parameters in Radial Inclination, Radial Height, and Ulnar Variance there were statistically significant (p-value<0>0.05) differences are noted in wrist dorsiflexion,palmar flexion, pronation, supination, ulnar deviation and radial deviation in degree between two group. Functional assessment by DASH score (p-value 0.90), VAS score (p-value 0.59) show both have p-values>0.05 which are statistically insignificant between two groups.
Conclusion: In this era where operative intervention is commonly practiced for distal radius fracture treatment. we concluded that despite the study showing poor radiographic outcomes associated with CRPCI than CRPP in terms of functional outcomes there were no differences between the two treated groups.
Keywords: Distal radius fractures, Closed reduction, Plaster cast immobilization, Percutaneous pinning, K-wire

How to cite : Ahmed S, Bala P K, Mishra H N, Outcome of distal radius fractures managed conservatively and with percutaneous pinning (k-wires): A comparative study. Indian J Orthop Surg 2024;10(4 ):367-372

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